right side feels more sore than my left side Started by: sera

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  • sera 10

    hey guys, i had my op on the 29th Jan so still early days but my right side feels slightly more sore than my left side as my left doesn’t really hurt at all, my right only hurts if i move my arm in a certain position though as it feels like it’s pulling, i know this is probably normal as i am right handed so therefore my dominant arm so the muscles are probably tighter, just wanted to know if anyone else feels this 🙂 xx

    Stacey 11

    Hey Sera,
    I had this too when I first had my op, my right side was more sore than my left and I’m right handed. My right side was also smaller in the first place so it took more of a beating haha with with implants as it had to stretch a little more. I think it’s completely normal, remember to treat it as two separate operations as they’ll heal at slightly different rates!
    Hope your recovery is going well otherwise 🙂 xx

    sera 10

    Hi Stacey, yeah i have seen a lot of people say that they heal at different rates and about the muscles being more relaxed in a certain side, thank you sweet, yes other than this little query it’s all ok, doing things myself is a it hard but it’ll get easier over time 🙂 xx


    Ahhh I’m thinking this is why my left side is really sore – is it because I am left handed?! I can hardly lift that arm but my right arm is more moveable! I did wonder why it was different, but have to treat them both as two separate surgeries 🙂 xxx

    sera 10

    Yeah I actually think it is because your dominant side’s muscles aren’t as relaxed, my left side is fine whereas my right now and again will get twinges or like a slight pain but my left doesn’t haha, hope your recovery is going well though 🙂 xxx

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