Happy Valentine’s !! They look good
You just need to give it time xx
You too 🙂 thank you I just need to be patient xx
I don’t think they look stuck on they look really natural xx
Thank you! I keep thinking they going to fall off! Can’t believe they mine!
Yours look brillant x
So do I lol feel like need to hold them all the time and thank you xx
They look amazing, Don’t worry at all about them looking stuck on, they change so much! Just need to give them time to drop and fluff! Mine have changed so much and I’m only 4 weeks post op! And supposedly they take up to a year to actually settle in! Xxx
Oh good thank you for your resurance:) makes me feel more excited zz
They look amazing already Michaela what a fab shape and size I love them. There just swollen mine were very much like that last week (week 1) .. mine still are but not as much as week 1. Few weeks there gona be perfect lucky you x
Aw thank you Sabrina 🙂 that has made me like them a bit more
Can’t wait for the next couple of weeks to see how much they change xx
Michaela they look great, glad surgery all went well, how’s the pain? I have my pre op tomorrow x
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Aw thank you:) pain not to bad I thought it would be a lot worse! I had overs though so I know it’s faster recovery. Oh how exciting what size cc are you having?xx
They look perfect in your pic 🙂 don’t worry. I’m the same, feel like they’re going to fall off when I take my tight Macom bra off! lol. So excited for when they’re all healed xx
Aw thank you Maddy:) xx and same finally get some big bras and not an A xx
300cc unders, but I’m still worrying about size:( because I’m going from literally nothing. Got my admission time through today so all starting to feel even more real now. Glad pain isn’t too bad for you x
They look so good. Lovely size. What cc did you have? X
@Elizabeth are you worried they will look too big? Xx
Thank you Louise and I had 485cc overs from an A xx
Michaela exactly that, I’m panicking x
I feel as baffled im 5ft4 i have a completely flat cheast and the try on boobs were different shape and 350cc didnt look like much im tempted to ask for 400cc but i dont want to look like homer simpsons face when done lol
@Elizabeth don’t worry have you tried the implants out? Most girls always say they are glad they went for the biggest size offered.
@natalie go for 400cc the biggest size 50 cc isn’t much difference:) xx
Aww they look great michaela! Got me excited for mine! Don’t worry give it to 3/4 weeks & they will start to soften up & feel like your own! Xx
Yes tried the implants on at my first consultation. I’m a worrier and think I’m just overthinking things ahhhh x
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