Today was the day I welcomed my new boobs into the world!! Started by: Becky

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  • Becky 26

    Hi girls, just wanted to give a overview on how my day went as i found it very reassuring reading everyone else’s posts of their day. So my operation was at Preston First Trust hospital, my surgeon was DR Traynor and I had 350 cc HP overs. My admission time was 11 o’clock, I arrived there just before 11:00am around 10.40am, unfortunately we got abit lost along the way, I turned in at the ibis hotel and rang the hospital as the sat nav was taking us the wrong way. The lady was really helpful on the phone gave us directions and there we went, for those who are going to Preston watch out for the turning as I missed it because it’s slightly hidden. So anyway we got there early, I needed the loo so the lady told the nurse who came down straight away to get me, she took me to my room, showed me everything, gave me my gown, nickers, stockings and a wee sample tub and off I went to get ready. After this I had all the nurses and doctors come in one after another to check my obs and medical history etc. Around 12ish came and Dr Traynor came in, all up to this point I hadn’t really been that nervous more excited… As soon as he came in that’s when it got real and the nerves kicked in, he went through everything with me and then drew on my chest, I asked when I was going down and he said ‘there coming to get you now’ which I found funny as he said it comically. I quickly went for a last toilet stop and then one of the ladies who preps you came to get me and we walked down, by this point I was very nervous but the whole time she was constantly talking to me, putting me at ease, asking me about my job while the other anastetic man was putting the cannula in. The lady held the mask over my face and the anastetic man said this will be a sharp scratch and I started counting and got to 5… Next thing I woke up in recovery, very dazed but everything felt ok, I got taken back into my room where I was met by my mum who had said ‘God that was fast’ as now by this point it was around 1:10…. Dr Traynor popped his head in to check everything was good and then the nurses came and checked my obs and then came back about 10 minutes later and put my bra on which I was expecting to hurt a lot which in fact actually didn’t at all. After she put my bra on she helped me go to the toilet which was ok, I was still a little dazed at this point. They then brought me some biscuits to try first along with water which I kept down and then asked if I was ready for my snack which by this point I was starving and ready for my cheese sandwich, cup of tea and orange juice. My mum helped me to eat as I couldn’t move my arms that much, after all of this I drank plenty…. which made me need to toilet plenty also! The nurses did there obs every 15-20 mins which was reassuring. Around 4ish they did my last bit of obs, gave me my medication which included some paracetamol, ibroprofen, antibiotics. Lastly Dr Traynor came and checked on me again and then left and I was then free to go. I can’t reccomend the quality of care more, everyone was amazing and the whole process was effortless. I’m so shocked at how bareable the pain has been so far and now at 8:00pm I am a lot more mobile. The only thing I can complain on is the journey home, I only live around 1 hour away but get very travel sick along with not feeling so brilliant, which made me sick by the end of the journey. I defiantly recommend to take a v shape cushion with you for post op and for on the way home to hold everything together in front of you. I only have my plaster things over my incisions and my Macom on, which I’m finding very comfortable! At the moment I’ve not really had a propper look at my new boobs so will post before and after pictures when I can. If anyone has any questions, I’m happy to answer and good luck to those who are getting it done. Question? Did anyone’s nipples look really big after? My nipples was involved in the BA just purely implants in….. Thanks, Becky.

    emma 40

    Hey Becky,

    Good to know you’re feeling okay it’s so exciting knowing it’s finally over. I’ve had my op this afternoon and a bit sore but staying overnight. Not looking forward to the next few days as everyone says they are the worst! Let us know how you get on xxxxx

    Gem 5

    Thanks for the post Becky. It’s great to hear how you got on and what to expect. Happy healing x

    Lynsey 12

    Great post! Very reassuring! Mines on Thursday at preston too. Happy recovering! can’t wait for the photos xx

    Becky 26

    Feeling the pain abit more last night and this morning! I was up through the night and struggling to get in and out of bed for the loo. Good luck ladies, thank yous. I hope recovery goes well for you Emma xx

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