Can you feel your implant 'drop'?? Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie 2

    Hi girls, I have a really strange sensation in the left hand side of my left boob! It almost feels like my implant is going to fall out! I’m had 400cc high prof behind muscle!! (Second op) is this normal?? Has it dropped in that place?? Does anyone have the Manchester clinic emergency number xxx

    Louise 42

    When did you have surgery? I sometimes feel like I can feel mine but I am only 9dpo and nurse said its really normal at this stage. If you need to speak to nurse in working hours just ring the normal clinic number and they will get her to ring back.

    Bumble 1

    I have same issue. Seeing my consultant in a few weeks. Let me know how you get on

    Molly 2

    I have this in my left boob! feels so weird lol im just guessing it is were I am still heeling and my body is getting used to it! I looked it up and it said it is normal hun! xx

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