3DPO Started by: Lisa Louise

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  • Lisa Louise 79

    Hi lady’s

    So I’m now 3 days post op! So I thought I’d share my journey

    Day of surgery- so my day of surgery I was all over the place, nervous, scared, worried etc like literally felt like running away lol got to the Preston hospital & got all settled in. The staff, nurses, surgeon (Mr Traynor) were all amazing & really put me to ease

    I was admitted by 8am Nurse came in (male) who took all my obs, gown, sexy knickers & lovely socks. Surgeon (Mr Traynor) then came in & went through paperwork, double checked sizes etc & done his art work on my chest! Another nurse came in & walked me down to theatre at 9.40am where i had the needle in my hand & off to sleep I went all the time the nurse was reassuring me

    I woke up & was took back to my room about 11 o’clock feeling very sleepy, shivering & I had to drink loads of water but other than that I felt ok & no pain at all until about an hour later they gave me ibuprofen but I was still ok & manageable

    The nurse (male) kept an eye on me taking my obs & checking my wounds all was ok! I then had some toast & fresh orange juice & went to the toilet! I was helped by my partner & nurse to put my Macom on, went through all my medications, surgeon popped his head in & I was discharged at 2 o’clock

    I stayed in the Obis hotel overnight 5 mins away from the hospital as I had a 2 hour drive home! I’m so glad I did because I could literally just rest, about 5 o’clock I went for a meal at the hungry horse right next door to the hotel & I’d just like to say it’s a nice little hotel & staff again are lovely. Well worth the stay

    That night I was in a lot of pain & swelling was unreal especially in my right breast I actually thought I was filling up with fluid but turned out all was ok! It honestly felt like my boob was going to explode

    POD1- the worst day ever! Couldn’t moved, very painful especially first thing on the morning. I took all my pain killers & moved about which does help a lot! Washed my hair & showered my bottom half, washed my top half! Car journey home was pretty comfortable apart from a couple of bumps & turns but again not bad at all

    POD2- again very swollen & a rough night but ice packs came to the rescue on my chest as well as pain relief (codeine & paracetamol) they do make you very sleepy! I also have the Argos back rest (godsend) highly recommend. I needed help getting up out of bed & again first thing on a morning is the worst, I recommend you take your pain relief wait half an hour then attempt to get up! I was pretty much on my feet all day because of a family Emergancy, I was pretty sore & tired but had to keep going. Definitely keep up with your meds & use your ice packs as much as you can

    POD3- this morning I managed to get up on my own & had lots of rest this morning! Just what I needed. I changed my codeine to ibuprofen today as I was very bloated & uncomfortable! Pain wise I’ve not been bad at all today, few twinges & bubbles also still swollen but the best day so far! Still applying my ice packs when I can & very mobile! Moving about helps me loads & stops you aching as much especially sleeping up which I thought I’d struggle with but it’s not been that bad really, I’ve got back rest, pillow down the middle long ways & v-pillow over the top (quite comfortable)

    Over all I had 400cc HP unders from 34 small B & I’m very happy with my results! I can’t upload pics as it won’t allow me (stressing me out) it’s true about getting better everyday & is definitely worth it all, I’ve got a very long way to go yet but I’m happy atm

    Any questions girls just fire away x

    Lisa Louise 79

    After surgery

    Joanna 38

    Thanks for sharing your journey, it really helps in preparing and what to expect, hope your recovery continues well xx

    Emz 5

    I sent my pic to my email as on an iPhone it lets you select sending it a smaller size and then saved the image! That worked ????

    Emz 5

    That was supposed to be an emoji not ???? Hahaha

    Lisa Louise 79

    Just after surgery

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    Lisa Louise 79

    Yeyyyy thank you @EMZ finally done it haha

    Your very welcome @JOANNA I’m more than happy to help where I can hunni x

    emma 40

    They look amazing already you must be chuffed xxxx

    Orsolya 38

    Wow @lisalou84 they look amazing already. I’m glad it’s going well for you, happy healing x

    Vicky*★. 231

    They look fab already! Thanks for sharing this Lisa it’s good to know what to prepare myself for xxxxxx

    Hannah 12

    I just had my surgery this morning and already my breasts feel really swollen and as though there’s a lot of pressure did you feel like that way? Feels like they’re gonna burst lol

    Lisa Louise 79

    Thank you lady’s I’m over the moon x

    oh the swelling was horrible for me Hun! Put plenty of ice on them babe frozen carrots/peas anything you can get it really does help with the swelling & pain, I’m 4 days now & I still use ice for comfort! It will settle down lovely you just have to go with it for a couple of days. Happy healing x


    Thanks for sharing your story , very kind, helps others with pending procedures. They look great by the way. Congrats. xx

    Lisa Louise 79

    Thank you @JEN

    I’ll help where I can with others. I watched this forum for weeks & it really helped me following other people experiences x

    Lisa Louise 79

    Your very welcome @VEE any help you need just give me a shout chick, when is your surgery date? X

    Michelle 3

    Yay!!!! Great news Lisa well done they look fantastic!! So excited now, been waiting for your update! Lol xxx

    Michelle 3

    Hi which back rest did u have there is one in Argos is that the one you have? X

    Lisa Louise 79


    finally managed to upload a pic! I’m happy with them so far Hun thank you 🙂 yes the back rest is from Argos & it’s definitely worth having chick, don’t think I could have coped without it.

    Your surgery 28th ain’t it? X

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