Travel advice please? Started by: Eevie

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  • Eevie 35

    Hi everyone,

    so I will be travelling about 2 and a half hours on the train the day before my operation and staying in a hotel and then I am staying in the hospital overnight on the day of my operation.
    I was going to travel back the day after my operation on the train but have been reading a lot about the day after surgery being the worst for pain so I am really scared to do that now!
    I know i’d prefer to just be back home in my own space but am wondering if staying in a hotel again the day after would be a better idea?

    What did everyone else do? and did you travel back home by train or car?

    Thank you xxx


    Hi eevie, they do ask you not to travel back via public transport even if its the next day. They ask you to get a taxi or picked up… but the best person to speak to is your nurse or PC. And just try do as they suggest.



    Eevie 35

    Thank you @harley-jane my mum will be travelling back with me and will be in 1st class on the train so will have lots of room and my own space around me, but I am slightly worried about travelling back via the train now.

    I will contact my pc ! x

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