Very worried, pc not responding once taken my deposit. Aftercare experiences? Started by: Eevie

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  • Eevie 35

    So I have wanted breast implants for years and years. My initial PC consultation was great and I was sent lots of messages after and I felt I was in good hands with after care etc, I went ahead and booked my surgeon appointment. I loved my surgeon and feel he is really amazing at what he does. I have the money and don’t need to use finance so paid my £500 deposit to secure my surgery date which is soon.

    But since paying the deposit and securing my surgery date I haven’t had replies regarding a few things I really need to sort out quickly as my surgery is so soon and it’s made me start to worry a lot about aftercare. I feel I shouldn’t need to be worrying about this sort of stuff and that is why PC’s are there, to make you feel at ease and calm about the process, but I am feeling even more nervous thinking about what if something went wrong in the weeks after surgery would I not get replies regarding any issues?

    I do feel people who have had surgery and have booked surgery dates should be the main priority, but I can’t help but feel once I have paid the deposit the priority is then towards getting more customers not with existing patients.

    Has anyone else had this issue?

    I am feeling really sad and upset and I should be feeling really excited. I don’t know what to do. I am going to see if anything changes but at the end of the day my priority is my health, surgery and aftercare.

    I am so worried about the whole process now 🙁
    Again I do have complete faith in my surgeon it’s just the care I’ve received since handing over my deposit.]

    Anyone had experiences like this?

    Diane 14

    Hi Eevie.

    My PC has also gone quieter since paying my deposit, but if you do have questions be persistent. It took me 2-3 days to get a reply from my last message and i emailed and text.
    Try not to worry, your PC.doesnt change your surgeons experience. X

    Eevie 35

    Hi Diane @93dlei
    thank you for your reply. It is slightly worrying that even before surgery the level of care isn’t great after handing over deposits.

    I think it is worrying me more so because I have to get stuff done quickly as my surgery is so close and it’s making me feel really nervous about going ahead.

    I am really hoping things change and the overall experience is good, it has just put a lot of doubt in my mind which I really don’t need a few weeks before surgery!
    I hope things get better with your PC too 🙂

    Diane 14

    Im not one to worry. I quiet like that im not always being messaged anymorw asking about dates etc so now i can just look forward to my surgery.
    I know they have many other people they see for appointments etc and I know my PC has no influence on my surgeons work. 🙂
    I hope you get everything sorted for your piece of mind hun xx

    Lauren 26

    I have had similar experience!!

    I paid for my surgery in full and since i haven’t had many replies and it really stressed me out! Its like as soon as they got the money its like they are onto the next lot of people…

    My surgery in short of two weeks.. at my pre-op my PC wasn’t in, also the other PC’s had all gone home so when i asked if i could try the sizes on again no one was there!! (the nurse was annoyed and told me to keep messaging MYA to sort it out as my surgery is so close)

    I managed to get a reply.. to go in Saturday between 10:30/11am. As my PC would go through sizes with me and advice me as i was unsure on what CC to go for as all 3 been ordered. When i arrived at 10:45 I was told she wasnt there yet.. After waiting till gone 11am i was asked if it would be ok for one of the other girls to do it with me (it happened to be the PC who had been in room with me for my consultation with surgeon so was familiar face). But yeah basically I’ve had more contact with other PC’s than my actual one!!! xx

    Eevie 35

    Im sorry to hear that Lauren @lteale95

    it’s a real shame because I think the surgeons are great and the initial consultation with my PC was good, but the feeling of being on a conveyer belt as soon as you’ve handed over the money is a let down 🙁

    Your experience sounds really stressful, I feel that we should all be made to feel at ease not more stressed by not having the replies we need.

    I really hope your experience gets better !

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