Day 2 post op *Ouch* Started by: Jasmine

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  • Jasmine 10

    So 2 days ago I went from having a completely flat chest (32AA) to having 700cc implants placed under the muscle. I will have my hospital socks on as I’ve been told to keep them on until I got home the day after (I had to get 2 trains). And another woman god me to keep them on for 2 weeks. So I’m rather confused. Another thing is I’ve been given what looks like white sticky strapping tape around the top and bottom of my breasts and it’s really starting to cut me in two (sort of speak) it’s so so tight it’s digging into my stomach and under my arms. I’ve been told again by two people that I can have to off in a week and another said they’ll take it off on 4 weeks! I really don’t think I could last that long!
    Does anyone know when I’d get this off and when I can take these super sexy socks off? Or how I can ease the pain/swelling since there’s a lot of it:(
    Any help or advice would be VERY much appreciated x

    HanC 3

    Hi Hun, I’m 4 days post op now and have strapping all around me from under by collar bone, right down to half way down my ribs – it’s so tight but it does get easier. Mine is coming off on Monday, which will be 7 days post op for me. Have you got your one week check up booked in? I took my socks off after the 2nd night and just made sure I kept walking round as and when I could and kept them elevated. Hope that’s helps xx

    Jasmine 10

    I have my post op appointment next Thursday but the woman on the phone said it would come off in 4 weeks. It’s so tight it knocks me sick and gives me unbelievable pains and pressure. I just want it off and it’s only day 2 🙁 xx

    emma 40

    Hi jasmine I had my strapping off 8DPO and wore them horrible socks till 8DPO too. That was when I had my first post op appointment. I yhink with the socks you just have to keep them on long enough till you’re mobile again to reduce risk of DVT xxxxx

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