Weird pain when cold/tense? Started by: Jade

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  • Jade 4

    My left boob is a lot more sensitive than my right but when I’m cold the left one really throbs it’s like a tense sharp pain has anyone else experience this? It goes as soon as I warm up but even if I just get the slightest bit cold it’s painful to laugh/cough. Xx

    Rebecca 13

    Yes!!! I used to get this and it used to drive me mad. Im now 4wpo and i don’t get it anymore. But if i laugh too much i still get a bit of pain from where my chest is still a little tight.
    Dont worry hun, it will start to settle and you will suddenly realise you don’t get those pains anymore… all part of the healing process i guess xxxx

    Jade 4

    Thank you lovely! That’s made me feel so much better I was scared it was just me!! Xxx

    Rebecca 13

    No hun don’t worry… I just to panic too when i would get the pain and my friend would always worry cause id hold my chest while and lean forward while i was walking. The only thing is notice now is any cold breeze and my boobs automatically feel cold but not to touch lol. Its so weird but no pain. Happy healing :* xxx

    Jade 4

    Yeah I feel I have to hold my chest too! I have my post op tomorrow so I’ll see what they say thanks again lovely!! 🙂 xxx

    Lisa Louise 79

    Hiya @jade

    I also get this & I’m 15dpo, it’s a very strange feeling isn’t it haha x

    Jade 4

    Has your pain lessened now or is it still just as bad Hun? Xxx

    Lisa Louise 79

    My pains so much better @jade I don’t get any at all unless I over do something, the only thing I’m struggling with now is being really sore around my nipples inside & out but not sure if that’s maybe off my M&S bra being too small & putting pressure on them because when I take it off when I shower it kinda eases off x

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