Sneezing? Stupid question, seriously lol.. Started by: Amy

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  • Amy 74

    I’m not entirely sure if I’m suffering from hayfever or not but I just CANT STOP SNEEZING! & it’s killing me in between my boobs every single time 🙁
    Has anyone else had this problem and manage to stop it?! I’m like OWWWWWW every time it happens x

    Louise 42

    Have you tried taking an antihistamine or nasal spray?
    When I had sneezing fits shortly after surgery I tried to hold a cushion or towel to my chest to take the pressure.

    Amy 74

    I’ve tried antihistamines but they obviously aren’t working very well for me 🙁 maybe I’ll try a nasal spray..
    I’m currently just having to hold my boobs every time I sneeze because it’s so painful. I have a cushion on me at all times too at the moment so I’ll try hlosing that next time x

    Claudine 196

    Put some vaseline on the skin around your nostrils, if something is irritating your senses that normaly wouldn’t that will act as a bit of a barrier x

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