CONFUSED!! POD4 Started by: Melanie

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  • Melanie 3

    Hi, I’m just hoping someone can answer this for me…I had my op last Wednesday, just an uplift, no implants as I was a 30g anyway, just hanging a bit too low after pregnancy! Anyway, I’m just wondering if anyone would know why I have strapping on me? Like I thought it was just for implants? Also I thought mr Traynor didn’t use it, and he’s the one who did my surgery. Obvs shoulda asked but when you’re off your face on morphine you don’t really think! I’ll ask my nurse at the post op, just wondering if anyone on here had an idea first. Thanks! X

    Danielle 117

    Hi you went down just before me and I have strapping as well! It really confused me Cos I didn’t think traynor used it and like you I was still off my face a bit so didn’t ask haha when do you see your nurse? I see mine weds so will let you know what she says. Have you got full strapping? Mines along the bottom where my incisions are and down the middle-that’s the bit that’s confused me cos not seen it there before! Xx

    Melanie 3

    Ah so you’re in the same boat. I’m sure I read somewhere mr Traynor doesn’t use stuff like that? My strapping is across the top and along the under boob bit. Every in breath I take I feel like I’m getting crushed. With the strapping on it looks like I have no difference, like I’m concerned that the underboob strapping is keeping them up? That’s probably a really stupid thing to say but I’m really anxious about when it gets took off. Wonder why we have this? All I found when I googled it was sometimes it promotes healing. I can move my arms quite freely and don’t have many twinges so maybe it’s true in my case xx

    Jessica 105

    Can’t really answer why you’ve got it on but I seen Mr Traynor on Friday and he said he deffo doesn’t use it. So there must be another reason? X

    Melanie 3

    Ah Christ that sounds bad then if he’s said he definitely doesnt use it! So typical that stuff like this always happens to me! Haha xx

    Danielle 117

    Yes yours sounds similar to mine!! Wonder why he’s used it with us lol it’s going to do my head in now! Mines really tight to I feel like I need to take a deep breath but can’t! This is a pic of mine is yours similar? I feel like the bottom is holding me up to, it’s annoying cos I can’t see the full shape of my boob with it on so they feel really small! Xx

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    Danielle 117

    It’s like he’s put the middle bit on to keep my boobs apart?! Strange! Xx

    Melanie 3

    Mine look scary at the min. Apparently I bled quite a bit during surgery. My plasters are quite bloody still, and my left boob is dropping slightly, but I don’t know if the strapping is making a difference. It’s itchy as hell which is a nightmare. I can’t wait til my post op when I’ll feel a bit cleaner with my dressings changed and hopefully strapping off xx

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    Melanie 3

    Haha they really don’t look as bad in real life. Haha they look horrendous! Xx

    Melanie 3

    They still look huge don’t they?? Mr Traynor said he was going to remove some breast tissue aswell so these must just still be swollen. I think I need a day of just sitting with the ice packs on! Yeah it sounds like our days and stuff are the same doesn’t it. Fingers crossed we both get it took off on Wednesday! I’m definitely gonna ask the nurse to go through my notes with me cos I imagine it’ll be wrote down in there about the strapping xx

    Danielle 117

    @melanie how did you get on today? Did you ask? I asked my nurse and she didn’t know exactly why but said she’s seen it with a few mr traynors patients and it’s usually when he’s put the implant in and it’s a lot bigger then he anticipated and the boob looks big basically so he’ll use strapping as extra support and to hold it in place. Makes sense I suppose! I know you didn’t have implants but you do have big boobs so maybe he just wanted to take some pressure of the weight? I feel loads better having it off though do you? My boobs feel really heavy tho lol not used to it! I was pretty black and blue under all that strapping to! Hope it went well today for you xx

    Melanie 3

    Hello yeah that’s what my nurse said, just that he wanted me to have additional support so no worries there. It was such a relief getting it off, I must admit though having all that support and then when it’s gone it feels like they’re going to fall off haha. Mine are still a bit swollen but I have no bruising, can’t wait til they’ve dropped a bit. I’ve been trying on clothes where before I’d have to wear a bra, so happy now that I won’t need to! How you feeling about yours @danielle ? Xx

    Danielle 117

    Haha I felt exactly the same! They feel like heavy rocks when my bra is off! Yes mine are still swollen to the nurse said. I love them I’m so happy just cant wait to start buying nice bras and wearing strapless tops haha xx

    Melanie 3

    @danielle me neither! Today I’ve felt as if my swelling has gone down cos my bra doesn’t feel as tight. I don’t know whether I’m just so used to having the strapping, so I don’t feel as supported with it off if that makes sense? Dunno whether I should downsize in my m&s bra now for additional support, or whether it’s all in my head lol xx

    Vicky*★. 231

    Hey!!! That’s crazy, I had Mr Traynor three weeks ago and he didn’t use any strapping he told me he doesn’t use it. As frustrating and annoying as it is just think he has used it for good reason and it will definately benefit you in some way! A lot of surgeons use strapping with every op so it must be beneficial in some way! Both your boobs look great girls they’re a fab size xxxxxxx

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