OP DUE IN 5 DAYS EEK! ANY TIPS? Started by: HappyFace

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  • HappyFace 9

    Hi Girls,

    Im 22, currently a 32A, size 6 tops, 8 bottoms. 5”2/3 and weigh about 8 stone.

    I having 425cc under the muscle (not actully sure what profile but probs mod) Just looking for some words of wisdom! I have got 3 m&s sport bras i a 32D, DD & E. Having my op in First Trust Preston with MR Netri and more excited than nervous.

    Just wondering, what is the pain like after surgery? Did you have drip in your hand? and how was the anestetic?

    My worst fear is having a needle in my hand!

    Thanks x

    Hannah 19

    Hi lovely!

    we have pretty much the same stats!!

    i’m 8DPO and in all honesty, the first few days were the worse. I barely slept the first couple of days and spent all of the third knocked out. your boobs just feel very tight and uncomfortable but honestly it’s being unable to sleep comfortably upright which is the worse! it’s not unmanageable. I just about managed to drive 10 minutes down the road and still can’t bend / pick things up. Emotionally I feel drained as well, feel ready to cry at anything! it is a lot of stress on your body and it is all worth it ????

    In regards to the needle, that’s what I was stressing out about the most!! I even asked if it could go into my arm instead lol. in the end they gave me numbing cream because I was stressing that much but I didn’t feel a thing! cannula and needle went in and I didn’t even realise, 30 seconds later I was knocked out clean. I wasn’t on a drip when I woke up but had oxygen. my cannula was taken out 3 hours after my op and I didn’t feel it 🙂

    tips would definitely be to make sure you have proper pillows to prop yourself up with! and definitely have someone there who understands you and can help as basic things will be very difficult.

    good luck with your op!!! hope it all goes well xx

    Casey Murrell 44

    Hi hun, I’m 2 days post op and not in much pain at all, to the point where I have stopped painkillers all together, I had partials and it’s more like an ache than a pain… like you’ve done a really big chest, back and arm work out at the gym.. im finding the bloating and stomach cramps more of an issue than the boob pain!

    Don’t be nervous about the needle, honestly it’s nothing! That’s what I was most scared about, I won’t lie it hurt a bit and I did swear but then I was out before I knew it. When I woke up I still had a drink attached to me giving me fluid and I had this in my room for a while!

    Hope it all goes well for you, any questions feel free to message me xx

    HappyFace 9

    Hi girls! Thank you so much for the reply and glad your ops went okay! I “think” I have a relatively high pain threshold lol so hopefully will be okay. And again I can sleep through anything! May have to nip out and buy some pillows tomorrow. I have this vision of me just throwing all the pillows off my bed while half asleep and curling up in a nice comfy ball! ????

    Really it’s the needle that is all I’m worried about now lol! I will defo ask for it in my arm like a blood test I guess, as I have really skinny hands lol xx

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