So happy had to share! Sizes Started by: Hannah

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  • Hannah 63

    So today I had my first appointment with Dr Mounir. I have my surgery booked for 31st July. I told him I wanted to be a C, so he wrote down C/D. I warned him before hand there wasn’t much to work with- I’d been told 2 years ago by Dr Kazazzi he would only give me 185cc taking me to a B. Well Dr Mounir was amazing, so friendly and made me feel so comfortable. He’s offered me 250cc 275cc or 300cc! I am over the moon! Sorry had to share my excitement! I’m now thinking about bringing my date forward haha

    Claire 59

    I get that, what size did he suggest you would be. X

    Hannah 63

    He told me it would be a C/D x

    Nicki 23

    I’ve had a similar experience, was completely shocked to be offered 390! Was buzzing at first but worried that’s going to be 2 big. What implants you going for? I’m also having mine a few days before you! We have pretty much the same stats! X

    Hannah 63

    Oh wow! They’ll be lovely! I’m having (hopefully) 300cc HP unders. How about you? I loved the look of the 300cc on my frame, but I knew I’d always go with the biggest they’d offer me that would suit me. Have you tried them on? Xx

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