4 weeks post op advise! Started by: Jasmine

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  • Jasmine 10

    So I had my breasts done 4 weeks ago. I went from a AA to having 700cc implants, the problem is I convinced myself they were going to be huge and I just feel like they arnt at all. I’ve been looking at smaller girls on here who have smaller implants and their breasts look so nice and big! Can someone please tell me that they will get bigger? I just need reassurance that this isn’t the final size because I’ve spent all that money on the biggest implant and still not as happy as I thought I would be ☹️

    Hannah 63

    It all depends on your size and the size of your chest. So implants all vary on different people. I’m not due for my op for a few months yet but I know my size will be different to others. And going by other people’s posts they change all the time x

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