Swollen sternum? Help Started by: Lauren

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  • Lauren 31

    I had my op on Wednesday and I don’t know if it’s just me but my sternum seems to be more swollen than yesterday. It feels really tight and I have to keep taking deep breaths. Is this normal? Xxx

    Siobhan 15

    My sternum is still slightly swollen and I’m 17 days post op! Hopefully it goes back to normal soon! It was more swollen at the beginning but it is going down, hope that helps xx

    Lauren 31

    Thanks Hun! I googled it and seen something if it’s swollen to phone emergency nurse so it made me worry. Xxx


    Hi Lauren, I had my op last Tuesday and my sternum was swollen from 2nd day post op and I am really badly bruised. I could tell it was fluid at the bottom part of my sternum because it was squashy, I wasn’t really sore, just felt stretched and bruised.
    i’m day 5 now and swelling has gone, just lots of purple and yellow bruising ( lovely ) Its really important to take the ibuprofen as it is an anti inflammatry. I stupidly reduced my pain killers on day 2 because i could cope with the pain, i didnt realise that ibuprofen helps reduce the swelling. Also ice packs help loads. xxx good luck and I am sure your swelling will go down soon xx

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