had ba today still at hospital lyin in bed Started by: emijane

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  • emijane

    Hi girlies I had my ba today I’ve stayed over night but can’t sleep so thought ild leave u all a little message via my blackberry lol! I can honestly say I wasn’t nervous in the slightest and that was to the thanks of u lovely people! It did not hurt one bit and its not scarey at all infact its lovely, my boobs look like madonnas when she wore the pointy bra but I love them soo much! Everybody havin their bas soon please don’t be nervous or scared u really have NOTHING to worry about! I had 605cc high profile and was a 34C before hand! I will keep u informed when I get back to the laptop!
    X-bex-x I know u had urs today too hope ur ok and not too uncomfortable!?

    Thanks everyone if u got questions u wanna ask feel free
    Emi xxx


    Hey Emi, Well done!!:clap:And thanks for sharing your experience.. Its great to hear that you are feeling well.I must admit it is worrying when u hear about some of the other girls having lots of pain. And you have gone for quite a large size..Go girl!!! I go in on the 11th of Nov,going from a 34B to 525 overs, keep worrying that they will be too big cos I’m only 5’1 size 10 but quite curvy(big bum hee hee!!) The surgeon (Mr Adamo) suggested that size for me, so I am putting my trust in him. Would be good to hear how ur getting on over the next few days hun. Im sure you will be just fine.

    Sky xx

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