Will having my ba help with saggy tummy? Started by: Martina

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  • Martina 4

    Hi girls , this is a random one I know but I was thinking, I’ve got excess sag around lower stomach from pregnancy (twins) I’m a very slim 8st4 not much body fat but that awful saggy tummy that will probably need a tuck at some point but hey ho boobies first 🙂 anyway was wondering if when my boobs become enlarged would it stretch the skin and maybe make the tummy a little easier on the eye. Anyone any experience of it ? Thanks 🙂

    Daria m 26

    I have same problem xx 🙁

    Martina 4

    Wonder will it help ? If not big knicks and tuck it in for now eh lol x


    Ha ha I hope so! I have the same problem! My friend had the mummy make over and had her tummy done and the boobs in one hit. My god she was in agony. Put me off having it done ever! I’ll embrace my tummy wrinkles and fix the boobs! Lol

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