Areola heartache – reduction scars worth the risk??? Started by: Heather

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  • Heather 1

    Hi everyone,

    I had breast implants with my a two years ago to treat tubular breasts, literally had AA cup but quite large, puffy or herniated nipples. I was incredibly depressed and wouldn’t go swimming, bra-less, nevermind topless with a partner. I saw Mr Mounir after saving and eventually had breast Augmentation to get a c cup – he said I could have went larger but really all I cared about was shape. I often go braless now on nights out and I would say my confidence have improved a lot. However I still feel like my areolas are ruining my overall boobs when naked. They’re quite big and although they look less puffy now my boobs have more shape, I still think they look awful. The only time I like them is when cold. Even then, they are also slightly asymmetric. I am thinking about a reduction but I’m scared of the scarring. Dr mounir had encouraged me to leave them alone originally as I have scarred badly on places of tension – my ba scars came out very neat and I’ve had surgery on my face as a kid which has scarred neat too but I have quite a raised scar on my arm where it has pulled when healing. I don’t know if anyone on here has had Areola reduction and was also at risk of scarring who managed this well or maybe can just give me emotional support. At the moment I’m just really down about it… Any advice??

    Lauren 5

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    Hi, I had ba anf nipple reduction today. Although I can’t see them at the minute I 100% feel I made the right decision. I was exactly like you wouldn’t let my partner see. The way I saw it was I’d rather see scars that will fade and heal rather than something that got me down daily. Xx

    Hannah 5

    Hey @laurenweigh I see that you have gotten an areola reduction with MYA and was wanting to know how it went and which surgeon performed the procedure? Have you managed to see what they look like yet and are you satisfied? What type of stitching did they use and will there be much scarring? I’ve sent you a friend request in case you wish to pm your responses etc. Thanks x

    Lauren 5

    I had mr traynor, I’m having my dressings off tomorrow so I’ll see them properly then but I’m happy with what they look like at the minute, he used stitches around my nipples and then I’ll have dissolvable ones next week xx

    Heather 1

    Hi Lauren thank you for replying please keep us updated! I’ve been desperate for smaller areolas my whole life but I was put off by scar risk but with the scar results I got from my BA I’m really interested in getting them done. If you don’t mind me asking, what were your boobs like post-op? Were your areolas puffy or just large? How much of a reduction were you offered for them? also how do you normally scar?

    Sylvianna 47

    giels have said many a time that theyve actually found that the scars around the nipple heal much nicer than the crease scars, and become near-invisible faster – think it’s something to do with more air to them and less pressure? so id say go for it because they really do heal and flatten quicker and eventually fade xxx

    Heather 1

    Really? That’s exciting. I’m set on it now once I have the money saved up. I actually saw Dr Mounir and he said I’m a good candidate cos my creases scarred very well but he urged me to think about waiting until after I have kids etc before I go for more surgery. I would personally like to be happy with my boobs before I settle down, I want to love all of me first! Unfortunately I can’t apply for finance cos I’m not working full time but hopefully with some saving this is something I can have done in the near future 🙂

    Sylvianna 47

    awww bless ya heather, good luck with it all!! <3 xxx

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