Feeling really anxious !! 22nd oct!! Help! Started by: susie29

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  • susie29

    I`m booked in to have my BA on 22nd october . I`m having 460 overs and I`m feeling quite sick about it !! I`ve wanted it done since I was 18.
    I`m nearly 30 with 2 children. I `m worried incase something goes wrong…… Please help or if you have any pics to ease my mind. My surgeon is M r Traynor.!!
    My email is susannehendry@hotmail.com. :confused:


    i had 460 partialy overs too, i will be putting my pics up tonight on sofemanine so pm me and i will send u my pw .


    :bigsmile:im having 470 unders in november not realy thinking about it yet, you are having yours done on my birthday ill be thinking of you .
    i have seen adels pics she had 410 unders they are great if you get to see her pics it will put your mind at rest x


    Everything will be fine, risks are so low.
    I had the sick feelings a week or so before mine, and now i am on the mend i am so glad i went through with it, best thing i have ever done for myself. I had 410cc unders and i must say they are looking pretty good considering i am only one week post op. x x x


    Thank you so much for your comments. Its a big help. My stomach wont stop churning lol. Happy healing and Happy Birthday !!! Sandyb I will say it now as I wont even remember what day it is by Thursday lol.x

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