Preston 19th June? Started by: Courtney

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  • Courtney 7

    Is anyone booked for BA at Preston on 19th June? Just booked my slot & the nerves are setting in already!!

    Stacey 498

    I’m booked in on the 14 June Hun and nerves have set in also but I’m excited at the same time xxx

    Courtney 7

    Yeah I wanted to secure a date as soon as possible so I booked the 19th even though I’m still unsure on what size I want! I’ve been offered 325-400cc, a part of me thinks the smaller the more natural, but another part thinks if I’m paying for it I might as well go all out!

    So unsure, so nervous but excited too!xx

    Stacey 498

    I said natural when I booked but when I spoke to doctor traynor he said it was basically a waste of money if I only wanted a cup size bigger as would look no diff I’m still toying with either 550cc or 600cc but I’m also a size 14 so then sizes would make me look so much more in portion with my size xxx

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