Worries Started by: Chelsie

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  • Chelsie 20

    Girls I am booked for my operation in 2 weeks tomorrow. I’m worried about the anaesthetic I’ve never had one before and am absolutely petrified of needles. I can’t even have blood tests without getting hysterical…
    Also I have to stay in cause I booked my op late and I’ve never stayed away from home on my own for A night in my life has anyone ever stayed in before? Do you think there’s any chance I could go home as a day case?

    Cliona 42

    Please don’t worry about the anaesthetic, honestly you will be fine. I’ve had 4/5 in my lifetime and never been sick/had a headache etc from any of them. Not everyone feels sick.

    If you have a needle phobia, tell them, they can give you cream to numb your hand before the cannula, and they can also knock you out with gas first if you ask them.

    I have terrible anxiety, particularly health, I worry about everything but you’ve got to trust the company reputation and posts you see on here that show 98% of people don’t have any reactions or problems. I’m also staying overnight due to late booking and only overnight beds left. Im thinking they can only discharge you depending on what time you have your op then 3/4 hours to recoup before even being suitable for discharge. It’s likely there’s a plan each morning with specific surgery times, post op surgeon checks and overnighters that have next morning pre discharge checks, so just because you go down at say 6pm for example, and would be ok to go home at 10/11pm doesn’t mean you can get discharged as the surgeon/ staff that need to do discharge may not be free. If you catch my drift?

    Could you call your PC and ask her what the chances are? They may be able to let you go if you tell them in advance that you’re happy to pay overnight but don’t want to stay.

    Personally I’m a pain and panic wimp and would rather be there overnight so I’ve got staff available to reassure me when pain relief wears off.

    Worry is totally normal! You’re going to be just fine & love your new boobies.


    sabrina 92

    I was a day case and went home after an hour but I had terrible boob cramp that only 30% of the population get then I was sick for 24hrs from the anaesthetic. At least being in the hospital the nurses and doctors will be on hand for any emergency that may arise or if your sick they can give help. I hate needles too, but you dont feel anything at all. Just keep your eyes closed x

    Eevie 35

    Hi lovely if you are booked in as an overnight stay you do have to stay as a legal requirement. I was told this when I had my surgery.

    I stayed over and I had never been in hospital before and I found the experience really amazing. The nurses and staff couldn’t have been more friendly and helpful.

    I had my own room and you have your own tv etc. You’re given a menu to choose your food which you can have at any stage you like. You have a buzzer which you can ring at any stage throughout the night for pain relief or to help you go to the loo or for ice packs etc. I rang my buzzer throughout the night and a nurse always came quickly.

    I have severe anxiety, panic attacks and health anxiety so I opted for an overnight stay as I felt I would feel more at ease being in hospital on the first night surrounded by nurses as I thought I might freak myself out if I felt pains or odd sensations.

    I have always had a huge fear of needles and blood tests etc, I have avoided many vaccinations and things due to this but it really wasn’t bad having the cannula in. The anaesthetist was so lovely and was making jokes to make me feel calmer.

    I have never had anaesthetic either and I was worried about it all but literally the cannula was put in and within seconds I was asleep the next thing I knew someone was saying my name and telling me it was all over!! I couldn’t believe it. I had no nausea what so ever so I was lucky but I did feel VERY sleepy, I couldn’t even open my eyes for quite a while and found it hard to talk not through anything scary just because I felt so sleepy for ages… which was a good thing really as I didn’t feel pain !!!

    You will be fine! Seriously if I can do it anyone can, I have such severe health anxiety, general anxiety and panic attacks and a needle phobia and phobias of hospitals but I felt so weirdly calm on the day. The staff all really help you feel at ease.


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