2 days and I don’t feel great. Expected..yes. Pain is awful and the codeine is making me feel permantly high right now. So mya called to check up with me and I let them know that I’m feeling like this and they basically just said not to take it and take paracetamol and muscle relaxants instead. Dr Linda.f doesn’t like ibuprofen so I’m not to take that, please tell me everyone feels like this..I’m so sleepy, feel a bit sick and I can’t really do much for myself right now. How long do I wear the tight stockings for and when is it okay to take my bra off to bath because last night I left the bra on and had a shallow bath..I feel gross hahaha I left it on to make sure nothing gets wet. Anyway, some one make me feel like this gets better haha xxxx
i haven’t had my surgery yet but remember my dr saying I can shower and get the incisions wet the day after not sure if this will be the same for you though hun.
sorry your feeling pretty rubbish I hope you feel better soon im guessing you had under the muscle which is more painful 🙁 keep topped up on the paracetomal I hope you feel better soon xxx
They do get better slowly but surely, you need to keep the bra on pretty much 24/7 especialy when bathing it’s very important you don’t get your incisions wet until the nurse has told you it’s ok to shower at your post op checks, just sponge your top half down around the bra whilst in the bath then you could remove bra when you get out and use baby wipes for the rest, i can’t help you with the muscle relaxants i was told not to use them but if the codeine is making you really sick you could see your GP fir a change of pain meds, day 2 is awful huni you have my full sympathy i had a really hard recovery but it does go very quickly, i can remember feeling like i was never going to get better, im 7 wks post op now and it’s flown by, as for stockings how mobile are you? Are you spending allot of time lying down or up and down constantly? xxx
Hey Kirsty no I actually had overs haha but I also had uplift and nipple reduction so I’m assuming that’s why everything hurts. Oh okay claudine so I can remove the bra when I get out? Just for a quick 5 min wipe haha? Do you know why you were told not to use them? I think I’ll leave the stockings on until tomorrow or maybe the next day..I am lying down a lot? Is that like normal? Surely it is haha xxx
Hi hun.
I am 10DPO and can say it DOES get better. I still have limited movement in my arms and I need help showering but the pain is near non-existent.
I had to leave the stockings on for 5 days.
It’s all worth it! Days 3-5 were probably the worst for me.
Happy healing and the days go by so quick xo
Hey hun I’m now 5 days post op and I don’t feel fantastic either one day I don’t get much pain the next I get loads and constantly feeling sick so came off the painkillers made sickness a bit more bearable it will get better ???? Just get plenty of rest I took stockings off after 3 days cuz I started walking about a bit more still so hard to sleep and get comfy at night though hope you feel better soon xx
Thanks becky and cilla, I came off the codeine yesterday which was only 2 days post op because they were making me so drowsy so the mya nurse suggested to come off and just take paracetamol and muscle relaxers. I’m finding it really hard to sleep at the moment, I’m not particularly comfortable before going to bed, I’m Kk propped up with all pillows around me, I think I’m just falling asleep due to exhaustion not comfort haha, I woke at 5am this morning because I’m now getting back pain from sitting up right all the time. I mean how upright do we have to sleep? Xxx
Hi Poppy
First week is really uncomfortable, I had overs too. Lots of bruising, swelling, tightness etc. Sleeping sitting up is really uncomfortable. Yes your hair will feel greasy, you will feel grubby and generally yukky. It’s REALLY important to take it very easy and not worry to much about these things. A shallow bath with your bra on is fine, hair can be washed carefully over the sink (get someone else to do this for you) I used to fill the sink up with saopy water and have a flannel wash. I would take my bra off, squeeze water out of the flannel and use this to was under my arms and gently on my breasts (avoiding insicions)
I found a back rest from Argos (its not a cushion its a frame that has 5 different positions) with v pillow on top really helped me sleep better.
First week was really tough, day 6,7,8 were the hardest after that I started to feel much better, every day got easier. I’m now 4 weeks po and I can’t believe how well they are healing and feeling more natural every day. Just keep positive, be patient and keep telling your self that in a months time you will feel so much better.
happy healing xx
Hey @beckis I’ve sent you a friend request if you don’t mind? I’ve also had over the muscle and interested to see how they heal 🙂
V pillows and a back rest have been a god send!! Haha xx
It does get better. I’m POD11 though and now chronic fatigue has set in big time and I have a 3 and 5 year old. It’s a nightmare. Everyone deals with it differently , some bounce back within a week and some like me take longer to recover it seems. I’m very bruised which has not helped. Hope you all feel better soon. It’s a waiting game …xx
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