Weird feeling Started by: Georgie

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  • Georgie 21

    I’m 23dpo now, went out drinking Saturday night (not my first night out since).. but anyway. All of a sudden I’m getting a weird feeling in my left boob, quite uncomfortable like it feels like the implant is moving, anyone else had this? Is it normal? X

    Lauren 31

    I would say it’s normal Hun. I had a really weird feeling in my right about a week ago (I’m 4wpo now) it was when I bent over like a stinging pain as if it was moving and pushing against my skin. Hard to explain ???? but that feeling is gone now. Xxx

    Natalie 27

    Hey @Georgie I had this Hun about 3 weeks post op. I’m a domestic cleaner and went back to work 2.5 weeks post op and few days later had that exact same feeling, wasn’t painful but really weird and kinda gross. Thought I’d over done it at work and completely freaked out. Spoke to a nurse and she said it’s totally normal it’s all fluid build up from the op and the implant settling into its pocket and the feeling will go over time. It lasted about a week. if your concerned by all means call the nurse Hun for reassurance that’s what they’re there for
    Hope this has put your mind at ease a bit. Happy healing xxx

    Eevie 35

    I have had this for about two weeks in my left boob only, I can only explain it as something moving wether that’s the implant itself or a fluid like feeling moving.

    I don’t have it when I am just sitting or anything, I feel it when I am walking down stairs or walking with a bounce or when I bend over etc.

    I am assuming it’s probably normal and just the implant settling into place or a bit of fluid that will absorb back into the body. My nurse said it was fine and it should settle down in the next few weeks.

    I am now coming up to 7 weeks post op and had it about 2 weeks.

    It is a very weird feeling, it’s not painful but it does feel almost a bit of a gross sensation or feeling.


    Georgie 21

    Thank you girls, you’ve all put my mind at ease. It feels so weird!!! Xxx

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