• cragroo posted an update in the group Over the muscle boobie gils xxx: 13 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Girls, im 9 days PO and have lots questions need answering so thought I would start a useful thread! as I know lots will ask this too, also if any more answers questions feel free to add in.
    When did you?
    1) first sleep flat? (not sitting up)
    2) first feel pain free?
    3) first put arms straight up?
    4) pick a child or something to that weight up?
    5) First love your boobies?
    6) Have sex for first time fully not just quick fumble?
    How much wieight/pounds can you safely loose with out changing shape or size to your boobs?
    9) At what stages did your Overs/Unders (please state which) change and grow after first month of settling period?
    10) Did you feel fatter/thiner and more shapely with your new boobs once settled?
    11) What do you wish you had done differently if you could?
    12) Sleep a full night more than 4-5 hours?
    13) Exercise fully and how did it feel?
    14) Go out on your first big night?
    15) Buy sexy underwear?
    16) Go abroad?
    17) Go topless?
    18) Go on Sunbeds or spray tan?
    19) Sleep on your front?
    20) first felt completely back to normal?

    Thanks girls and please add more if you have other questions and answers to keep the thread going so we can refer people to this when they ask for first time

    Posted 17 minutes ago # Edit

    1) first sleep flat? (not sitting up)………. 2 weeks
    2) first feel pain free?……….2 months
    3) first put arms straight up?………4 weeks
    4) pick a child or something to that weight up?……6weeks
    5) First love your boobies?……..when I opened my eyes after theatre
    6) Have sex for first time fully not just quick fumble?…….dont do sex
    How much wieight/pounds can you safely loose with out changing shape or size to your boobs?……..I would estimate 14 pounds
    9) At what stages did your Overs/Unders (please state which) change and grow after first month of settling period?……….overs…..6 weeks
    10) Did you feel fatter/thiner and more shapely with your new boobs once settled?………more shapely and slimmer
    11) What do you wish you had done differently if you could?……….had unders
    12) Sleep a full night more than 4-5 hours?……..thats a full night sleep for me.
    13) Exercise fully and how did it feel?………6 weeks,felt good
    14) Go out on your first big night?………havent yet
    15) Buy sexy underwear?……..6 weeks
    16) Go abroad?………1 year post op
    17) Go topless?……..never
    18) Go on Sunbeds or spray tan?……..6 weeks spray tan
    19) Sleep on your front?…….dont it wrinkles your face
    20) first felt completely back to normal………..6 weeks,but still had nipple sensitivity and the odd shooting pain.

    Posted 8 minutes ago # Report

    Thanks Tina good answers chick xxxx