Abbie posted an update 5 years, 2 months ago
@myamoderator Hey everyone! I can’t seem to see a similar post on here but really looking for some advice or insight if anyones got experience. I went to a consulation with Dr Mileto on Monday and was told that basically because my boobs are so small / not enough movement it may create more dissatisfaction having an enlargement alone so should therefore have an uplift as well as. This wasn’t what I was expecting and has thrown me as it has gone from a fairly simple incision and insertion to rearranging my nipples and double the scars!! I always wanted the natural look so the scars is a big mental hurdle for me, but mostly the risk that comes with the potential loss of nipples altogether. I just wondered if anybody has been through a similar experience and what did they or someone they know do? if the procedure went ahead i wondered are you happy with the results and how was the healing process? Im squeamish and cringe badly anyways so the whole delicate process of the uplift makes my insides feel funny by itself.
Sorry for the long post but also if anybody has experience with Dr Mileto would be interested to know as not a lot of him on here! Felt the consultation was very rushed with no real discussion on the implants themselves. Tried one pair on that i wasn’t entirely happy with then was out before I even knew what was happening which I find concerning. Wasn’t told or asked for my preference on the shape or profile of them. Not brimming with confidence. Any help much appreciated am a 32A for info
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