Lorraine Hays posted an update 5 years, 1 month ago
I had removal of 460cc implants (which I had for 13yrs) uplift and 275cc HP implants…
Expecting to be a few sizes smaller, but no, I’m a cup size bigger! I’m devastated…. I was a 30/32FF, now I’m a G! I seen my nurse yesterday, she was very calming, booked me in to see the surgeon in a couple of weeks. My OP is off at present (following her own surgery) so I seen the cover OP, she was looking at photos and asked “which is before”! Then said- well, they do look more perked! My response… but not smaller! I really can’t afford to pay another 8K out, or take another 2wks off of work!
Has anyone been in the same position?
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