• evie1711 posted an update in the group Mr Kazzazi's Girls!: 12 years, 3 months ago

    im now just under 24hours post op and love my new boobs. i had 410 unders and feel suprisingly well, just a little tight on the chest but thats to be exspected with unders. in still all taped up and my boobs look a little pointy but i love them already. i measered at a 34B before my op and mr kazzazi said i should be a 34DD when there settled. i got home at 11pm last night after recieving the best care from welcoming and very nice staff at highgate hospital. and so far today have had 3 telephone calls from mya PC’s and nurses checking im feeling ok. so so far so good. will update after my post op. to all you girls due to have your op with mr kazzazi all i can say is your in very good hands, hes great. xx