• luciewilsonnew posted an update 12 years ago

    Well my B/A is the 17th july with mr traynor still not happy with wondering whether 260cc to 300cc will be worth it as I want the results to be noticeable to me therfor prefr the 300cc to 340cc but traynor questiond whether he wud let me hav them tht big… Im a 30-32 a and tiny size 6 I just want my results to be worth it … any help anyone please wud appreciate it 🙂 <3 xxx

    • Hello Im 5ft4 and weigh 7st Nd size 6.. Im having 300unders.. Ive done alot of reserch & Spoke to alot of people with same stats.. If ur that small U dont want to look out of shape by having huge boobs.. What i can gather 300 would take u to a c cup. xx