jessabella posted an update 12 years, 6 months ago
@bryxoxo Haha I know! Dissolvable my arse! I just had to snip most of mine coz I had loads all round my nostrils! Just had one up the side of my septum that WOULD NOT LEAVE kept putting topical eye ointment on them (kills bacteria) In the hope that them moisture would help it dissolve but in the end I snipped it with a pair of very sharp scissors and gave it a lil tug! Eye watering, but nothing’s fallen off or pinged back to a bulbous blob so I think I’m ok haha! I was meant to get nurse to do it but forgot when I went in for my check up…it’s hard to keep track of everything with boobs too! Haha. U can go in and get the nurse to trim them coz apparently they’re supposed to only last up to 2 weeks post op!! Xxx
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HAHA I know right!!! I sniped at mine coz they were hanging out of my nostrils :S not a good look!!!! people will think i have lots of nose hair :O haha
WOOOWWW you brave girl!!! I wont lie ive tugged on them a few times and it feels so stuck in, in there so i bottle it and leave them i might try the eye ointment thingy and see if it loosens them 1st!!! I was gunna ask too but I completely forgot and was a tad scared it would hurt too so just thought oh well they should fall out soon..oooor not!!! the blimmin things are so annoying!!! yeah I bet hun, you are a little miss perfect now I must say 😉 xxxx