• dbag80 posted an update in the group Rhinolasty bible: 12 years, 6 months ago

    Does anyone have any tips to reduce swelling? I’m not sure if mya advice ice packs? X

    • I heard that others have kept them tight and cool works. Also not to lean to one side as that can cause one to swell more than the other. But nature will take its course and every body heals diff x

    • They dont!! I took arnica tablets although these are not recommended either but only because they are not scientifically proven to work, I believe they helped me, also eat lots of pineapple before and after your op!!! sleeping elevated also helps to reduce the swelling to sleep this way for at least 6 weeks even up to 3 months post op if you can!!! I try to but most mornings I wake up on my side again!!! Its most important in the 1st 6 weeks though!!! 🙂 good luck!!! xxx