• gemmadobson1 posted an update 12 years, 6 months ago

    Well girls the twins arrived and they are perfect 😀
    Got to Preston about 9 and was last on the morning list 🙁 spent all morning worrying myself to death lol. The nurses there were lovely, Mr Traynor was as witty as always, when i asked him will i wake up he said thats why the hospital is in loads of fields so we can get rid of your body easily haha!! (not funny at the time lol). The pre meds were great, felt like i had a few too many wines 🙂 I dont remember anything after that! Think he sneaked the anesthetic in when we were talking 😉 Remember waking up in my room and me and my mum were in a race to see them!! Took a peek down my gown and it was love at first sight <3 <3. Got home about 7 and had a broken sleep last night, i was so uncomfy sleeping sat up and woke up with a bad neck and back to add to the pain lol. To say i was to scared it was a nice experience and cant wait to get these babies on show!! I have uploaded a before and after shot and will carry on adding pics as the days go on. 410 overs with Mr Traynor, I think i love that man 😉 xxx