• lastchick posted an update in the group Mr Fallahdars girls 🙂: 12 years, 6 months ago

    Hi, I recently had a re-org and uplift (29th July 2012) I had 365 unders to replace 350 overs, they seem very small even thought the implant was bigger, also the shape seems a little strange as does the nipple shape! I know you need to give them time to settle etc but I am a little concerned. Has anyone had anything similar?

    • I think you can lose about 20% of the implant volume by having unders. Also I think unders give you a more ‘natural’ look where as with overs you take on the roundness of the implant. I had 250 unders now Ive got 525 overs. Hope that answers your question a bit 🙂 xx