• Nicki and Profile picture of KirstyKirsty are now friends 11 years, 10 months ago

    • Never had any pain with the boobs had the odd shooting pain but didn’t need pain killers for it still get that sometimes now, I’m told its the nerves settling! You will have prob seen my tummy pics as I had a tummy tuck and lipo all at the same time! I have been uncomfortable with my tummy but I wouldn’t say so much as actual pain. I took the codine for 4 days until I realised it bunged you up so went onto paracetamol after a week I didn’t bother as I were only taking them out of fear of being in pain. I do not have a high pain thresh hold I am the biggest whimp going so I was either very lucky or actually it’s not that bad! I think more girls struggle with implants under the muscle than overs. They feel heavy if I don’t have a bra on but really can’t complain. You have nothing to worry about x

    • Sorry Hun posted that on wrong bit this forum is hard to work off ur phone lol it was in response to the last post x

      • Oh I hope so! I reckon I’d have to have mine under the muscle so will prob b a tad more painful!! But I’m thinking if I can handle childbirth I should be able to handle this!! Ur lookin really good anyway 🙂 its a massive thing to go through.. Hope I can pluck up the courage!! Xx