• kathryn posted an update 11 years, 9 months ago

    Hi, I was wondering if you’ve opted for implants? I’m wantig a uplift and one surgeon I saw said I would need implants to give me upper fullness. Have any surgeons said the same to you or were they quite confident the lift would be effective enough. Also, do you know what type of scar you will be getting, I know theres different techniques but the surgeons I’ve seen are only confortable doing the anchor x

    • Hiya, yea I’m having implants and anchor lift. Having 385cc high profile overs natrelle soft touch. To be honest I never wanted an uplift I must have underestimated how saggy my boobs was just wanted implants but mr traynor said I needed an uplift as my boobs were to ‘droopy’ as he put it ha. Personally I think they look better with implants give them a better shape and as the surgeon said upper fullness, have a look on internet at uplift and implants and just uplift, but I do think they look miles better with implants plus u loose a cup size with uplift so it depends if ur willing to go smaller. Have a look at a few pics see what u think. I’m having the anchor so around the nipple and down and undeneath for implant. The anchor is the most effective giving the higgest lift, I asked about the doughnut one just around the nipple but its not meant to be as. Effective, I trust he knows what he’s talking about, just have a good think about it, xxx