• slb81 posted an update in the group Dr Gonschior’s Group 12 years ago

    Hey guys, had open rhino on Weds and just wondered if anyone can help me with two questions…
    How long should you keep the drip pad on, until your nose is completely dry or just until it stops oozing? (Gross I know, sorry!)
    Secondly, when should you start using the nasal spray they give you?
    Thanks for any advice! 🙂 xx

    • Hey I am almost 4 weeks post op. I stopped using the drip pad after 3 days as nurse said it can be a breeding ground for germs. I used the nasal spray as soon as I could get it slightly up my nostril even thought just drips back down. I am still stuffy but not as bad and can sleep with mouth closed. First week was awful as I would wake up to have a drink as mouth so dry.

      • Ahhh sleeping with mouth closed again sounds like bliss!! 🙂 Hope I get to that stage soon! I’m the same as that, waking up through night with sore dry throat and cos uncomfortable being propped up, safe to say I’m not getting the best sleep at the moment. Thanks a lot for your advice! How is your result, are you feeling happy with it & glad you had it done? S x

    • I still have quite a bit of swelling inside. In the mornings I wake up and my nose is stiff (weird i know!). It is hard around the tip but seems to be getting better. I am about 80% happy as my nostrils are assymetrical when I look up. I am going to give it a few more weeks to see if it looks better.

      • Hey hun, it sounds like your nose is getting there though, it seems the whole process requires loads of patience eh, which is not my strong point! Had my cast off earlier and my tip and bridge feels so stiff and weird, bridge is really swollen, weird sensations! Hope your nose continues to get even better 🙂

        • Hi, Yes patience is so important! Some days I can breathe better than others. For example yesterday was really bad as nose was stuffy but today its better. Think its just the swelling inside and the weather etc must have some impact on the sweling each day. It also looks bigger on some days, but then better other days. Really hope it all settles down real soon. Stiffiness is getting better each day. central nose and tip area still hard but can feel it is getting less so.

          • That’s so good to hear, my tip and nostrils are so hard and stiff that they almost don’t feel like they belong to me, lol! Hope they get a bit softer soon. Yeah I reckon the weather etc must make a big difference. Glad to have done it at this time of year rather than in the heat of the summer! My bridge is really swollen, at least I hope it’s swelling, looks quite wide whereas in the splint it looked nice and narrow… fingers crossed it goes down asap, as I love my new profile but my front view not so much! I’ve not been able to breathe through my right nostril at all yet and my left one only now and then… hate being blocked up. Could you breathe through both nostrils already when your splint came off?

            • Hey Sian, How’s it going? are you happy with it? That numbness in the tip is weird isn’t it , mine’s still like that and stiff too. Im still really happy with mine, but realised iv’e got one nostril slightly different to the other one so will see what he says next month when i go back to see him !

              • Hey Lisa, how are you? I’m feeling better about it each day, last week I was feeling really weird and want sure about it, I liked it in profile but thought I looked really weird from the front.. now it’s been 10 days since the splint came off and I’m really pleased, I had a lot of swelling when the splint came off bit it’s going down bit by bit and now I can see what Mr G means when he says how patient you have to be! I like it loads compared to last week, and hopefully it’ll just keep getting more and more refined on the bridge and tip. Still stiff and quite numb on the tip, getting used to that! Can you breathe fine now? I can breathe most of the time through my left nostril but the right one has been blocked up non-stop, just over 3 wks PO now, hope it unblocks soon! Also can’t wait to be able to exercise again, Mr G says to wait until you’re 6 wks PO, ahh it’s such a waiting game for everything lol! Hope your nostrils even out, does your nose look great other than having a slight difference there? xx