• Kerry posted an update 11 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Nicki have booked my op now and am getting them done on the 30th March. Dr Mounir suggested 385CC Natrelle hp Overs. Im not sure if these will look to big. Any advice, i know you has 365cc didnt you?xx

    • Really ah exciting!! Bet u can’t wait!! Mr Mounir is lovely isn’t he?! I doubt they will do, they’re not massive implants. Quite an average size I would say. What size ru now? A/b? I reckon you’ll be absolutely fine with those. Not long to go at all!! Xx

      • Yeh hes lovely. I am probably a 32b but dont always fill my bras. I am starting to get all the obviouse concerns like ‘will they be too big’ ‘will they look the same size’. I am so getting scared of being put to sleep, this really freaks me out. I just though that if im gona do it i need to do it sooner rather than late so im not thinking about it for to long. I have jus seen a post to about cleaverage, a girl syaing she can get one. I hope this is not the case as that what you really want. Dr Mounir said it wont gove you an instant cleavarge but im sure he meant without a bra. Did he say anything like that to you?x

        • I know I was scared and stressing about all these things but there really is no need to be. Mr Mounir is a professional, he knows what he’s doing and If you’ve been clear when telling him what you want I’m sure you’ll get it. He’ll come n have a chat with u before the op so just confirm everything then. I reckon ul end up looking around a D, which is great :)! As for the anaesthetic, it’s nothing to worry about. I remember talking to the nurse, then the next thing I’m waking up in recovery! It all went so fast, it was surreal!
          Re. Being able to get a cleavage, I think it depends ho far apart ur boobs r to start with. I had a gap n still do so i doubt I’m gonna be able to get a cleavage where my boobs r touching! There is still a gap, but that can’t be changed. Mr Mounir said I should be able to get a cleavage with a bra, as did mr traynor, I’m finding it quite hard to! I’m still on th lookout for the right bra tho! It’s a bit annoying but other than that I’m a happy girl 🙂
          Sorry bout the essay! Xx

          • Mine are quite close together i think so fingers crossed. I will just have to tell hime on the day. I have asked my pc to order the 365CC and 385CC so i can make the decision on the day. I was looking at bras the other day and a DD looked huge so it scared me a little. From what Iv heard they measure bigger than they look anyway.xx

            • Ah well u should be fine then. Yeah that’s what I did too. Lol I know! Exactly, I measure a 32dd but there is no way I look that big, but that’s what size fits, even a 32e in some shops or bra styles so I’m not gonna argue! Good luck o u anyway! It’s so exciting! Xx