Kerry posted an update 11 years, 11 months ago
Hi Hannah, I was just wondering how it went. I am having mine done this Saturday with Dr Mounir an dhaving 385CC Natrelle Overs.xx
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Hi Kerry, are you excited? It went really well. The nurses are lovely and it all happens so quick I can’t believe it’s all over and done with ha! What size are you pre op? I was 32b and I had to get one size 345 and one size 325 x
Hi Hannah, I am excited but im very nervous to. I know its silly but iv been reading up on anaesthetic and the dangers so I have freaked myself out a little. I know im being silly and everything will be fine. Yours look great hun, did you have under the muscle or over? He said i would have to go over as I have loose skin. I have tole him I want them to look really natural if possible.xx
Aw Kerry I can literally promise you I was the exact same! I lost sleep over it I was that scared and cried when I left. And the night before I could have easily talked myself out of going through with it all together. But your in amazing hands all of the nurses are so nice and know that girls are nervous so they calm you down. Don’t feel like your being silly because its normal to be slightly nervous, but reading things online didn’t help me, speaking to girls on here did because they are a lot more relatable to the other things you can read so don’t freak yourself out ha! I went over and I’m pleased because I had nothing at all on top. You will be absolutely fine babe it will be over with before you know it and have your new boobs 🙂
Thank you for your reassuring words, I am sure I will be on here on Saturday boasting about my new boobies.xx
Anything you want to ask ask away 🙂