ash26 posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago
Guys please message me before you add me, so i know a bit about you! thanks
Hi ash. Can I add you. I am having 340cc or 375. Cannot decide I am a 32 a/ b. want unders but mr Fratti said I need overs. I want don’t want to look to big. What would you recommend. Everyone seems to say go as big as possible.
Hi hun! Just excepted u! I wud say go bigger! I was a small B had 460cc unders but i wish i went bigger coz they look so small xx
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Hi ash. Can I add you. I am having 340cc or 375. Cannot decide I am a 32 a/ b. want unders but mr Fratti said I need overs. I want don’t want to look to big. What would you recommend. Everyone seems to say go as big as possible.
Hi hun! Just excepted u! I wud say go bigger! I was a small B had 460cc unders but i wish i went bigger coz they look so small xx