slb81 posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago
11 weeks PO, am happy with result but I think (hope!) there’s still some swelling that’ll go down. Overall I’m pleased but not absolutely over the moon – there are some changes that I can notice (though probably no one else) that aren’t necessarily good changes, like for example my new nose makes my smile look different and not as nice as it used to look. But of course you have to weigh it all up, and I like my profile now, which I never thought I’d be able to say. It’s important to have realistic expectations – I thought I’d look loads better with my new nose but actually I think that although I look better from the side, from the front I just look a little different – not better, not worse! It’s a weird old thing. Plus, my nose is more greasy/shiny than it ever was before, so strange!
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hey hun i know exactly how you feel im happy but not over the moon, im three months post of, in terms of the smile i have the same issue but thats just because the nose is still numb well mine is anyway and cant really be moved so your lips freeze a bit too, in terms of being greasy and shiny i had very dry skin before the op but now also have a very oily nose this is because the cast was on so tight and it totally blocked all your pores so once it was off tons and and tons of oil was just released and we cant clean it properly so that adds to it, im sure itll be all better in a few more months (i hope) x
Hi girls.
My smile feels its gradually getting better.
Had the same problem with oily nose and purchased rimmel clear complexion powder.
Its amazing I dust it over my nose twice daily and really helps keep the oiliness down.
Ive had less breakouts to!