• cllxox posted an update 11 years, 2 months ago

    @marie2004 HI Hun, i just accepted a friend request, must of been from a while back! i haven’t been on her properly for a while… anyway, i saw you went from overs to unders, and i’m in the opposite situation, going from under to over. My unders have been a problem for me, not dropping softening or anything and i’ve had a second opinion and been advised to go over and one size bigger to fix my issue and achieve the results i asked for! can i ask why you went over to under? how did you find your overs? hope you don’t mind! Thank you x

    • Hi hun sorry i’ve only just seen this!! I went form overs to unders because I didnt really like how they looked or felt- like balls in socks, I also wanted to go larger and felt that going under the muscle would support them more as they would be heavier, I think unders last longer too? I go to the gym quite a lot too and was starting to get rippling with my overs as i lost a bit of weight and going under has got rid of that. I definitely prefer my unders to my overs but I think its just personal choice! They just feel more securely held in place and don’t feel as heavy even though are heavier than my old ones! Im so sorry to hear you’re having problems!! I hope u manage to get it sorted!! overs really do look great its honestly just what ever you prefer, the second op they say you recover much quicker too so good luck!!! xxxx

      • Hi Hun, that’s ok thanks for the reply 🙂 Either way yours both looked great 🙂 its getting me down so much now, i cant wait to get them sorted! I’m awaiting an answer from the surgeon, he has given me two options, either operate to release the muscle or take me over the muscle, but i’m unsure which would be best for me so i’m waiting to see what he thinks…then i guess we will meet for another consultation and hopefully MYA agree to get my re-op booked in. I prefer the idea/look of unders they look more natural, less chance of rippling sagging etc but … i leave my self in the surgeons hands, he will know best! hopefully!! xx