Duckworth Han posted an update 11 years, 1 month ago
The truth about paid autosurfs Heading that shocks: Yes, Im a scammer! I am aware that people prefer to be lied, robbed and told that they could make prospects by doing nothing. And they do help ME make prospects, to fulfil my dreams. Would you state that Im doing something wrong? No! I simply make use off greedy people and offer them dreams. Thats what I’m, Im not a bad person; Im merely a business man, a goals seller! Alarming story told by way of a true autosurf management. Yes, Im a scammer! I understand that people prefer to be lied, cheated and told that they are able to generate prospects by doing nothing. And they do help ME make fortunes, to fulfil my dreams. Could you say that Im doing something wrong? No! I just make use off greedy people and offer them dreams. Thats what I am, Im not really a bad person; Im just a business man, a dreams vendor! That would be the starting lines of the alarming ebook that has a tendency to become one of the most best sold e-books regarding on the web investments. The paradox is that this book is not about investments or about generating revenue online and it’s the opposite of it in a strange way. The book shows the journey a website admin created from simple web designer to a effective scammer in the internet investments industry. The Truth About Paid Autosurfs is the most shocking e-book I’ve read and the story takes you from your seat in-front of the computer and allows you to enter inside the life of internet investment sites. The key character of the book will be the autosurfs admin that shows every detail of how he started his first website, how he promoted it, how he convinced individuals to spend, how he robbed and scammed them; how he raised a kingdom of internet scam web sites (not merely autosurfs but in addition hyips and other type of piramid/ponzy systems) ‘The Truth About Paid Autosurfs’ is just the very first e-book from a whole e-book series published on line on The e-book series is called ‘My Truth Unveiled. The truth about easy money’ and the primary e-book i( The truth About Paid Autosurfs) is already presented. Next launch designed may be the launch of ‘The reality about hyips’ The author of the e-book collection can be an anonymous non-English talking author but the book is extraordinary in its story maybe not in the language used. H-e took the story from a real autosurf administrator that bought him his story for a cut in the earnings. What is amazing is that the administrator tells us a-l about his activities and about his dreams that came true: to get his own home over a heaven island; and how he managed to fulfil his dreams by scamming people. His strong and arrogant words make you hate him someday but he manages to make you respect him for having the courage to fulfil his dreams, irrespective of the middles. The ebook is on sale on My Truth Revealed site ( in the cost of $24.99 and the payments choices are credit/debit card trough 2checkout or e-gold. Identify new info on this affiliated web page – Browse this web site: For serious shops your website has also a joint venture partner region.
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