• jesica posted an update 10 years, 2 months ago

    Records are very effective. They express your apology, support, compassion, thanks, congratulations, thoughts, and requests to the others.

    Many people create notes on a computer and produce them or send them through the Internet. Nevertheless, I believe the top records are handwritten. A handwritten note is unusual and personal. As a result of this, it will be provided with more attention by the reader and have maximum impact. Navigating To official website possibly provides tips you could tell your boss.

    A few weeks ago I was in Michigan for my dad’s funeral. While there I attended my mom’s church on Sunday and met her pastor for that second-time. While talking to him, I realized that his father was critically ill and his mother died a couple of months ago. On my way home to Virginia, I’d an end at Chicago O’Hare Airport. While awaiting my connecting flight, I pulled out a package of note cards and sent them and wrote many notes. Among these was an encouraging note to my mom’s pastor. I then found out later that he was so moved by the notice that he read it in a meeting and took it to his church. H-e made it clear to those in attendance just how much of an inspiration it was to him. What I didn’t know when I wrote the note was that through the following week not only did his dad perish but his wife was diagnosed with cancer. In my opinion God used my note to aid him during a very difficult time in his life. I also wonder just how many others h-e talked to were changed as a result of that note. Perhaps some of them are now writing notes too. Imagine if I’d perhaps not written that note?

    I would encourage you to start writing notes often. What an easy way to affect people’s lives in a positive way. Should you be concerned with how to get started, these two books on the subject have already been one of the most useful to me:

    – ‘The-art of the Handwritten Note: A Guide to Reclaiming Civil Interaction’ by Margaret Shepherd

    – ‘Business Notes: Writing Individual Records That Create Professional Relationships’ by Florence Isaacs

    Get a note card, pen and press. Write an email to someone who has been on your mind to-day. Visiting partner sites perhaps provides lessons you can use with your girlfriend. Only God knows how much the planet, and that individual, can change for the better due to the few minutes you remove of your busy schedule to create a few sentences.