• abby posted an update 14 years, 6 months ago

    My story: 5ft 3″, size 8/10 and had 410 under with Helena at Manchester.
    I wanted to post as i have found other stories so helpful and honest. So i hope someone finds mine helpful too.
    So i went in yesterday at 7; 30 and was the first to go in which was great as i didn’t jhave chance to get nervous, i was in under for around an hour and woke up babbling to a nurse in recovery. Was then taken up to my room to recover, i felt really tight and uncompfortable but not unbearable. Took me a long time to come around and i slep for most of the day, felt quite sick until about 7pm when i was actually sick but then felt 100% better and so hugry. After eating felt fine but just dozed really.
    Sleeping was fine, woke up every few hours and requested pain relief but i did sleep and managed to get to the loo a couple of times by myself. The surgen (Helena) and the nurse came around in the morning to check me over ready for discahrge. Taking the tubes out was such a relief and i hadn’t realised how uncompfortable they had made me. Was discharged around 10 and am at home now enjoying some good food and lots of water.
    So ladies if i can leave you with a couple of thoughts; the pain isn’t really pain just uncompfortable and a cross between the feeling you get after doing too much exercise and the feeling of milk coming after having a baby but of course a lot worse. It’s bearable and i’m a wimp so don’t worry and good luck. will have pics in a few weeks, let me know if you want htem?

    • Fab story! Thanks for letting us read about it, im a wimp too and so worried about having it done, still at early stages with booking it so not too nervous. Glad it went well for you. x

    • similar story to you…. would love to see your piccies… have yet to take some… had a good look today… nice i think…. any ideas on good support bras… got an asda one 32d which fits ok bit of a gap at the front and an m and s one 32dd which has less of a gap… not sure which is the best really, dont want to have wide boobs lol x