• Gerry Rosendahl posted an update 10 years, 4 months ago

    It was a vintage custom in India for princesses to decide on husbands in this way. Each princess had certain a few ideas of the type of man she wanted for a husband. Be taught further on the affiliated paper – Click here: garland movers. Some would have the handsomest gentleman, others would have only the most learned, others again the richest, and etc. All the princes of the neighbourhood placed on their bravest attire and presented themselves before her. Often they too had their particular criers to enumerate their benefits and the reasons why they hoped the princess would choose them. The queen was taken round over a throne, in the most splendid array, and viewed and heard about them. If she was not pleased with what she saw and heard, she thought to her bearers, ‘Move on,’ and no more notice was taken of the rejected suitors. She put a garland of flowers over him, if, nevertheless, the queen was pleased about anybody of these and h-e became her husband. The princess of the country to which our master and the Sannyasin had come was having one of these interesting ceremonies. She was the most beautiful princess on the planet, and the husband of the princess could be leader of the empire after her father’s death. The thought of this princess was to marry the handsomest man, but she couldn’t find the correct someone to please her. I discovered copyright by browsing Google Books. Several times these meetings had occurred, but the princess could not decide on a partner. This meeting was one of the most striking of all; more individuals than ever had come it it. The queen came in on the throne, and the bearers carried her from place to place. She did not seem to take care of any one, and every one became disappointed this meeting also was going to be a failure. Just then came a man, a Sannyasin, handsome as though the sun had come down to the earth, and stood in one part of the assembly, seeing what was going on. The throne with all the princess came near him, and as soon as she saw the beautiful Sannyasin, she stopped and threw the garland over him. The young Sannyasin grabbed the garland and put it down, exclaiming, ‘What nonsense is this? I’m a Sannyasin. What’s marriage to me’? The master of that state thought that maybe this man was bad and therefore dared perhaps not marry the queen, and said to him, ‘With my child goes half my kingdom now, and the whole kingdom after my death’! and place the garland again about the Sannyasin. The young man threw it off yet again, saying, ‘Non-sense! I actually do not want to marry,’ and walked quickly away from the construction. To see the remainder of the history visit http://www.spiritual-simplicity.com.Fantastic Moves10610 Metric Dr #175 Dallas, TExas 75243