roxanna posted an update 10 years, 8 months ago
The antioxidant vitamins within fruits, greens, teas and supplements are proving to be powerful agents in the fight against disease-causing free radicals.
The initial idea was to take recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamins into a level that would prevent serious deficiency diseases such as the Sailors dis-ease scurvy. To get a different perspective, we know you check out: pure mango diet. These are-the standards where RDAs were developed.
Nevertheless, recently, re-search indicates that Vitamins drawn in higher doses can prevent cut chronic diseases like cancer and heart-disease. A controversy still rages, but there’s an array of re-search being done on Vitamin A, H, Elizabeth, the antioxidant vitamins.
A National Institute of Health clinical trial concerning people at high risk of devel-oping advanced levels of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), showed that people risk reduced by 2-5 percent when treated with high doses of antioxidant vitamins and zinc.
Still another study at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta showed that taking E Vitamin alongside vitamins reduced danger from stroke and heart illness. Among people who took the mixture, mortality risk decreased by 1-5 percent for those two conditions.
This September, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) concluded a report investigating the connection between cancer and Vitamin D, indicating that Vitamin C may possibly fight cancer. They discovered, in a laboratory setting, that large doses of Vitamin C injected directly into the system killed cancer cells.
Many researchers suggest that increasing the RDA to between 100 and 200 mg will be a good way for people to get the antioxidants that they need to keep overall well being, though the present RDA for Vitamin D is stuck at 60 mg.
Be cautious when buying supplements and vitamins though. Research shows that whole food vitamins, or vitamins with their co-factors, are much more effective than remote nutrients. Nutrition is a complicated means of thousands of chemical reactions in your bodies. Vitamins are often better in their natural state – in-the foods we eat. Products should not be used in place of a poor diet.
The choice would be to look for whole food vitamins to complement an already good diet for the days you can not get anything you need at meal-time..MangoDiet
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