• Diane and Profile picture of vickyvicky are now friends 10 years, 10 months ago

    • Hi Diane. I’m fine thanks a bit stiff and feel like my boobs are expanding by the min. I presume that’s just the swelling. I’ve had some frozen peas on me for a while but they’ve defrosted now lol. As far as I can see I’m happy with the result. What about you? I had 350 cc moderate plus overs. Should be a dd. x

      • I’m the same a bit stiff and achy. Never even thought about putting peas on – might have to give that a try. I was meant to have 300 cc soft touch overs, but ended up with 300 cc in left boob and 350 cc in the right. Right one looks slightly bigger and higher at the moment even though that was the smaller one to start with – I’m hoping this will even out once the swelling goes down. Other than that I’m loving how they look and having full boobs again. Should be a DD too xx

    • Did you have mr.frati? What time was your op? I was last went down at about 6:15 pm I think. Highgate was lovely wasn’t it. I didn’t want to leave. Do you keep feeling tired from the anaesthetic? I have to keep having a nap. Can’t stop looking at my new boobs though. Which clinic are you going to to have your strapping off? I’m booked in at Nottingham on Thursday. Can’t wait. I just hope they look good underneath and no healing Probs. x

      • I was in Preston and had Mr Mounir and went in about 10 am. I didn’t really sleep last night even after having a sleeping pill but by this afternoon I’ve kept napping. Mr Mounir doesn’t use strapping so got to see my new boobs straight away and I’m the same I can’t stop looking and feeling. My right side stings a little but not sure if that’s down to having a bigger implant in so it’s stretching more. I’m sure yours will look fab underneath. Everything I’ve read about Frati has been nothing but good things. Does it feel strange having full boobs again? It does for me and so weird seeing them stay upright without a bra. I’d forgotten what that was like x

    • Ah ok. Yes my right side is more uncomfortable too. It’s strange how each surgeon have there own ways strapping/no strapping. It is weird seeing them there. Haven’t seen my incisions though. I’m hoping the scaring heals well and isn’t too noticeable. Well I hope you get some sleep tonight. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow to see how you are. xx