• georgette posted an update 10 years, 1 month ago

    Traveler and wrote among the following phrase’s in the search bar, httpwww.google.com,

    httpgroups.yahoo.com, httpyahoo.com, or maybe wwwgmail.com, hit research, ‘–‘

    Eh, Nothing, WHY?

    So that you have heard of Google or Yahoo, fired up the trusty Web Browser and entered one of many following phrase’s in the search bar, httpwww.google.com, httpgroups.yahoo.com, httpyahoo.com, or perhaps wwwgmail.com, strike search, ‘–‘ Eh, Nothing, WHY?

    You are not alone, over 3,000,000 people annually type in httpwww.google.com, over 2,000,000 type in httpgroups.yahoo.com, and 2,600,000 enter wwwgmail.com, all using the same result, Nix. The thing is two-fold, the clear answer is easy. Browse here at the link look into mary morrissey info to check up the purpose of this viewpoint.

    Let us take a glance at one phrase in particular and it is possible to apply the same treatment for the others. When you keyed in httpwww.google.com, you’ll probably have entered this right into a white text box somewhere in the top third section of your browser which might by default have an AOL or MSN website showing. This is really a search text box where you must key in what you’re searching for as-a word or phrase. Using httpwww.google.com for instance, if you had entered only Google you’d have found the search-engine coming back with an array of pages that have the definition of Google on their pages and then you might have chosen what interests you. The search text box is where you key in, for example, an expression like ‘acne and acupuncture.’ Hit the search key and bingo, a few related websites will soon be shown.

    Httpwww.google.com is not a search term but a web address. If you have a proper address and wish to go-to that site, you must enter it in the address bar which will be usually only under the top toolbar of one’s browser. You will note that most target bars have a go button on the right rather than a search button as in the search field explained before.

    The last part of the solution is in the spelling of httpwww.google.com. Httpwww.google.com must in-fact be written the following, http://www.google.com/.. You had been mighty near, but computers are wickedly sensible and a lost forward slash usually means despair. Dig up further on mary morrissey info by visiting our dynamite wiki.

    In conclusion;

    1- Search words go in-the search text box,

    2- Addresses get inside the top target bar,

    3- Addresses need to be spelt properly.

    Httpwww.google.com fixed is http://www.google.com/,

    Httpgroups.yahoo.com fixed is http://groups.yahoo.com/,

    Httpyahoo.com fixed is http://www.yahoo.com/,

    Wwwgmail.com fixed is http://www.gmail.com/.

    Happy exploring!.