• irena posted an update 10 years, 1 month ago

    The writer/director of this picture could only be noticed by the general public is h-e went broke and knocked over a liquor store. The cast is the Blacksheep squadron of the film world. An A listing of nobodies. The most notable celebrity in this work also appeared in obscure reality tv program, Joe Schmo. In case you were only with all this information regarding the picture, a logical conclusion is the film should only be shown o-n Mystery Science Theater 3000 or late at night when nobody is conscious, or sober. Strangely enough however, this film works.

    What most people do not find out about writer/director, David James, is the fact that he is, in the truest sense of the phrase, a real body. Although he is visible, year in and year out, like a remora hangs onto a shark hanging around World Series of Poker events, he’s a coinsurer of the ring game. This love of-the game coupled with his knowledge and history gives the movie a reality that is rare in poker films.

    Unlike Rounders which uses a linear story line, The Big Blind has more of a Pulp Fiction feel to it. You can find story lines and numerous plots which center around the Lake Elsinore casino. David well interlocks these vignettes to create a great cinematic tapestry about the events in and across the poker world.

    The sport itself has a wide range of personalities and people. This truth is perhaps not lost in the movie. Identify more about pa film tax credit by browsing our forceful wiki. As opposed to zeroing in on a single stereotype, David James produces a large number of diverse personalities. Undoubtedly art mimicking real life.

    If your enjoyment of poker isn’t limited by the sport itself, but the atmosphere as well, you will benefit From The Big Blind. The gritty reality that’s represented in this picture leaves you with the feeling that the events might be happening at your favorite casino at any moment. I would suggest you get rent some quality film like Gigli, if you are looking for star energy though.

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