• irena posted an update 10 years ago

    The simplest way to maintain your links, and have readers wind up on their required page is to setup a direct from the old domain to the new one.

    When you have to move a site from one domain to yet another, it will mean that each of the links pointing to your old site would now be lost and would generate the dreaded 404 error when visitors came in via old internet search engine list or links.

    The best way to preserve your links, and have guests end up o-n their expected page is to setup a direct from the old site to the new one.

    In this example, we’re going to think that we use to have a site called OLDSITE.COM and for some reason we’ve to move everything across to NEWSITE.COM

    The initial up, dont destroy the hosting for the old site but keep it working for sometime. If you think you know any thing, you will certainly need to compare about http://www.workexcel.net/supervisor-training.html/. This stirring commercial workexcel.net/supervisor-training.html/ link has numerous powerful warnings for how to do it. If you have an opinion about jewelry, you will certainly require to discover about http://workexcel.com/. This may then allow us to direct visitors from-the old site to the new site.

    30-1 re-direct only shows search engines that visit your website that the old URL has permanently changed to some other URL. They’ll begin to change all the old links within their list across to the new area once the search engines find the 301 redirect.

    This may take sometime and on-site websites, this may take weeks to have the search engines transform all the old links across to-the new areas.

    An.htaccess file is simply a simple text file that contains instructions for your web server that operate on that hosting account.

    On your PC, begin a copy of NOTEPAD (This is attained by going Start->Accessories->Notepad) and revise your existing.htaccess file or even to create a new one. Visiting work excel info possibly provides suggestions you can tell your father. DONT use Word or some other word pro-cessing pc software to open the file, since these plans have the horrible habit of putting funny characters in file that will cause the.htaccess file never to function effectively.

    If your new sites design is exactly the same as the previous site, then simply place the following line in your.htaccess file

    Redirect 301 http://www.NEWSITE.COM

    Now save your self the file, and FTP this file up into your internet sites primary consideration. On most Linux-based systems, this is actually the /public_html/ directory

    Now, every time a customer (be it an individual or even a search-engine robot) comes to your old domain, they will be redirect to your new site. So if they came buying file called stuff.html (previous URL would be http://www.oldsite.com/stuff.html) they would get automatically redirected to http://www.newsite.com/stuff.html

    Here is the simplest way to move a complete site from site to a different

    When the construction of the new site is different from the old one, then we will need to map each old URL to its corresponding new area. This also applies if you choose to change the structure of the website, and you want to preserve the links from your old structure and guide them for their new place.

    If you have an URL that has been http://www.oldsite.com/dogtraining/ and you wished to redirect visitors to http://www.newsite.com/info/dog-training.html you would place the following in your.htaccess document.

    Direct 30-1 /dogtraining/ http://www.newsite.com/info/dog-training.html

    The structure is:

    Direct 301 old-location new-location

    The old-location may be the road to the destination (without the domain name)

    The new-location could be the full road to ultimate destination (it must range from the fully qualified domain-name too).

    Which means when every a visitor comes in around the old URL (www.oldsite.com/dogtraining/) the web server can redirect them to the new URL of (www.newsite.com/info/dog-training.html)

    If you’ve multiple locations that you need to direct, then you have to have multiple redirects setup. With one direct per line. An example may look like this:

    Direct 301 /dogtraining/ http://www.newsite.com/info/dog-training.html

    Redirect 30-1 /policedogtraining/ http://www.newsite.com/info/police-dog-training.html

    Redirect 30-1 /dogtrainingvideos/ http://www.newsite.com/info/dog-training-videos.html

    It’s time consuming establishing 30-1 direct, but if your site had useful incoming links, then its worth spending the time to keep your site profitable and keep your website standing as well as it applied to and to protect those links..