• Jayson Shelton posted an update 10 years ago

    Each spring striped bass from both the Hudson and Chesapeake stocks migrate down the Atlantic coast en-route to their summer time feeding grounds. This spring striper action is a great time for you to cast soft lure swimbaits on spinning reels or baitcasting reels.A important to locating striped bass is to discover wheeling and diving sea birds. Birds including gulls and terns are nature’s fish finders. Locate them around the bait, and you are going to locate stripers down under. A medium action spinning reel or casting combo capable of whipping a striper upwards of 20-pounds or more may be the outfit of selection, just be sure to use a high quality spinning reel or baitcasting reel that has a powerful smooth drag. For line option I usually go with 15-pound monofilament or 30-pound braided line. When casting swimbaits I often attach a quick 12 to 18-inch monofilament or fluorocarbon shock leader rated at 40-pound test. Many anglers prefer to attach this shock leader towards the principal line using a connection knot, but I choose to make use of a tiny black barrel swivel. I also attach a black snap swivel to the terminal end in the shock leader, so I can swiftly alter lures. If the current is moderate and the action is taking place in water of 30-feet or much less, then you can possess a lot of achievement making use of 1 to 2-ounce soft lures. These soft swimbaits all have really realistic actions and stripers often find them irresistible. When casting soft lures give the lures additional sink time in order to attain the striper feeding zone, and get them moderately, so they perform within the area just above the bottom. During the retrieve add an occasional little hop with a flick of the wrist. This small modification will usually cause a striper to strike at the lure with gusto. — By Capt. Tom MikoleskiCaptain Tom Mikoleski is the popular fishing charter captain from the Grand Slam who sails out of Montauk, NY for trophy fish, doormat fluke, jumbo porgies, humpback sea bass, and huge sharks. Captain Tom is the writer of Bass Buff – A Striper Fishing Obsession Guide.